Wednesday, 17 December 2008


Eleven days! That's exactly the number of days! It has taken me eleven days to read the four books of the saga Twilight (Crepusculo in Spanish): Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. More than 2,000 pages in just eleven days! Am I weird? A freaky? Maybe, but I have enjoyed them a lot.
I have never read like this, nor even with Harry Potter. Some days, I didn't even eat, I just read and read, in the train, at home, in bed, between lessons, in the breaks and even walking! Yes, maybe I am a freaky after all.

I have always loved stories about vampires, so when I saw the trailer at the cinema I knew that I had to watch the movie. But surprise surprise, I found out it was not just a movie, it was a book and even more a saga with four books!

The incredible story about Edward, the gorgeous vampire, and Bella, the human caught my attention from the very beginning, and after reading all the books, I just can recommend you to read them. Watching the movie is ok, but there are so many details in the book which are not in the movie that I think it is worth reading it!

So if you don't know how to spend the long Christmas holidays.... this is my suggestion!
Enjoy the Christmas holidays and have fun, I will.... in New York ;) !!

So any comment about the movie or the books? Have you seen it ? Have you read it? What do you think about it? Who is your favourite character?